Sunday 22 September 2013

FastBraces month 7

It's the final month of wearing my full brace!! This photo was taken just before I had my top brace removed at the start of my 7th month with braces!

My bottom brace wasn't removed as one tooth still just needed straightening slightly, but I didn't mind I was still excited. As some of my teeth were small and rounded I had bonding and contouring to give a perfectly even and straight smile. 
And here I am with all the work done on my top teeth. Just one more month for my bottom brace and then the whitening treatment!!! 

I'm amazed with the result in only 7 months!! I have a thin metal wire retainer at the back of my teeth which I didn't even notice until my dentist showed me, and a plastic retainer for night time. 
 The difference between month 1 and now is so amazing I just wish I had done it sooner!!!

FastBraces month 6

6 months and it's nearly the end of wearing my brace. By now I was able to manage eating most things other than apples and crusty bread for example. But I could see how straight my teeth were getting so it felt great.

FastBraces month 5

It's month 5 and it's flown by! You can really notice the difference now, and the pain only lasts for a couple of days after the bands are changed and then I hardly noticed they were there. Once again I had no problems with it this month and because I could see my teeth straightening I enjoyed wearing it.

FastBraces month 4

So this is the start of the 4th month with FastBraces.

As you can see there is already quite a difference from  month 1. The middle gap is a lot smaller and my bottom teeth are looking straighter. It was also a lot less painful and wasn't rubbing on the inside of my mouth anymore. I had become very comfortable with the brace and was no longer conscious when smiling and talking. I also had no problems with brackets coming off this month. 

FastBraces month 3

In this 3rd month I had more brackets added to my bottom teeth, along with the usual change of elastic bands to tighten to brace.

Another bracket came off this month on the bottom when I was brushing my teeth, and the photo below is after I had it replaced. 

I still was struggling to bite into foods and mainly ate pasta and soft small foods, but it wasn't much of an issue. Worth it to get straight teeth!! 

FastBraces month 2

This is just after I got my bottom brace put on after 1 month. The top was still really painful and so was the bottom. This was probably the most painful month but it eased off towards the end.
I had a bit of trouble with the brackets popping off and this month one of the bottom ones came off. I just went back to my dentist who replaced it with no problem. Apparently the clear brackets can come off more easily than the metal ones, but I didn't find it any trouble to just get it replaced. If you live far from the dentist then it could be more of an inconvenience.

This second photo at the end of the second month just to show how discoloured the bands can get with certain foods after one month. I could no longer use my electric toothbrush as it was too painful.

FastBraces Month 1

I had spacing on my upper teeth and crowding on my lower, so FastBraces were a great option to straighten my teeth quickly!
Here is me just a few days after I got my top brace, I had eaten paella which had turmeric in it and so the elastic bands were stained yellow!! I managed to get them changed the day after luckily, and NEVER made that mistake again! If you have the clear FastBrace you need to avoid brightly coloured foods like curry and some tomato sauces for example!

It was quite painful the first month, I ate mainly soups and smoothies and couldn't bite into anything like a sandwich or even a banana. But painkillers helped and warm drinks felt nice.