Sunday 22 September 2013

FastBraces month 2

This is just after I got my bottom brace put on after 1 month. The top was still really painful and so was the bottom. This was probably the most painful month but it eased off towards the end.
I had a bit of trouble with the brackets popping off and this month one of the bottom ones came off. I just went back to my dentist who replaced it with no problem. Apparently the clear brackets can come off more easily than the metal ones, but I didn't find it any trouble to just get it replaced. If you live far from the dentist then it could be more of an inconvenience.

This second photo at the end of the second month just to show how discoloured the bands can get with certain foods after one month. I could no longer use my electric toothbrush as it was too painful.

1 comment:

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